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Monday, January 15, 2018

Our recent weekend

On friday night my husband ada company dinner at Sheraton PJ, so dia suggest dekat I ambil cuti on Friday boleh teman dia pergi dinner. Although dinner is not for family member, tapi at least dia ada peace of mind bila anak isteri ada just a few floors above the ballroom. Sebab tu we all check in at Sheraton. (company tak sponsor. LOL)

Katil besar. I need this in my bedroom. So tak payah berhimpit dengan baby lagi, since sekarang baby I tidur lasak sikit,

The room is cozy & cantik, of course.  The bathroom ada glass window, so I boleh check my baby sambil berendam dalam tub and of course tengok tv at the same time.  Bathroom sangat selesa & bersih. Ada chiller, so I boleh simpan makanan baby I. Ada Iron board & reliable Iron (with steam function)  Kenapa I cakap 'reliable' sebab some hotel dia provide iron yang tak bagus, cepat panas atau tapak iron tu ada kesan-kesan kain melekat.

The next day (Saturday) Around 9.30 a.m we check-out from the hotel & heading to Genting Highland. I honestly tak pernah pergi Genting Highland. Ini my first time at Genting. Since sekarang Genting ada new cable car, ada new mall, ada Premium outlet, etc, so okay lah dah ada sebab I nak pergi. I tak interested pun dengan theme park, sebab I takut & gayat.

I pakaikan anak I long sleeve t-shirt, jeans, stocking tebal & jecket macam ni.  

We arrived around 10.50-11.00 am. Tak ramai orang lagi masa tu. Selesa nak berjalan. The promoter dekat Levi's pun cakap hari tu tak ramai sangat. maybe Because of the weather or sebab tengah bulan? Our first stop is Godiva shop. I had to taste the Ice cream. 1st, sebab memang perangai I suka makan ice cream waktu sejuk. 2nd I nak tahu is it worth the hype? Obviously, Ice cream mcDonald lebih smooth. For me it is not worth the RM25. GPO is more fun than JPO. Seriously. Sebab sejuk,  & sebab ada shops yang tak ada dekat JPO tapi ada GPO. I definitely akan pegi lagi. 

Ini lah dia Ice cream Rm25 tu. rasa dia okay, just texture dia tak selembut aiscream mcD
So I kena senyum lebar sebab Ice cream mahal husband belikan, tak boleh complaint 

So, around 1.30 - 2pm we went to SkyAvenue. Naik cable car around 10 minutes perjalanan and the ticket price is RM8 kalau tak silap. My husband yang belikan tiket, so I'm not so sure. Nak naik cable car, stroller kena lipat. Alhamdulillah my 7 months old daughter tak meragam lansung, dia sangat calm, boleh senyum-senyum dengan penumpang lain. So, that means boleh bawak pergi holiday jauh sikit. hehe Temperature dekat atas lagi sejuk dari dekat GPO dengan angin lagi. I tak pakai jacket or sweater or heat tech inner. Of course I had cold urticaria masa dekat sana. Nasib baik tak teruk. 

Then, we had our lunch dekat SkyAvenue. Then I jumpa Sephora. Then I saw Nars inside the Sephora. Then I went cray cray for a few seconds. Then I walked out from sephora with few hundreds less in my wallet. I tak plan pun nak beli make up, but dah terjumpa nak buat macam mana. haha

Around 5 pm I dah turun and balik terus. Bawak baby so tak boleh balik lewat sangat. I tak masuk banyak kedai dekat GPO, and I tak jalan habis pun dekat atas. Next time pergi insyaAllah nak jalan-jalan tempat lain. dekat SkyAvenue coming soon akan ada Jurasic Research Center, Haunted house, Repley's Belive it or not.

So, that's our recent weekend.

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